วันศุกร์ที่ 28 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556


napinmodel  Inspiration
Sufficient in life, satisfactory in mind is the best moral to do and practicing for the growth person. Sufficient in work and fit merit moral to grow in everyone. who learning by doing and get by self and started from when born to die. The factor of life has mineral, air, water, temperature in all. If you were have the happiness you ought to practice the sufficient life everyday. Not lazy, but the condition for sufficient cause help growth to better and best…in the end. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT?

Napinmodel to garjubmodule the paradise’s world idea framework
These themes tell about the background of Napinmodel to garjubmodule the paradise’s world before show the idea framework. The 5’s theory to tell about the knowledge in Napinmodel to garjubmodule the paradise’s world, the base knowledge presentation to tell more expand and deeply understanding as follows, strategy frame  to done http://onefouthofmango.blogspot.com/ ,synthesize procedure and the base knowledge ,http://nstbstrategy.blogspot.com/2009/10/kradong-model-synthesized-procedure1.html , the idea reflection to kindly idea http://putheartonpalm.blogspot.com/ and the knowledge implementation for daily http://theonefourthofmango.blogspot.com/ , http://komkonloas.blogspot.com/ , these information help you to know Napinmodel to garjubmodule the paradise’s world more to best.
The situation theory

In the work site, if some event occurred to no satisfactory the input, process or output. The situation theories tell about adjust the procedure to do this, more than two events tell about good or better than one. The situation able to predict event in the future, if the worker observe around work site. And setting the situation to do and try to use the best situation in work. To find one event useful for help better than some event to done. Try to do. Follow the situation theory for example

The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership® Theory Choosing the Right Leadership Style for the Right People http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_44.htm


The system theoryfor napinmodel to
garjubmodule “The paradise 's world”
The system theory and procedure to
implement for lay outline and the
approach in activity practices
more and more time to do, when the
 system complete, the best practice
 manifest in system approach,
to applied, utilized and synthesized
 integrate in implementation the
 learning in routine to going on
everyday. … System for
 thinking in NAPINMODEL TO GARJUBMODULE for example…Systems